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Read the following details carefully to attend the workshop. If you don't complete this step you won't be able to access the training.


Please read this entirely, don't skim through it. It's short, I promise! :)



This online event is all about helping you understand how your mindset, behavior, and leadership are effected by your story. 


This will be an interactive workshop. We want everyone who attends to leave with clarity they can use right away. INCLUDING YOU!


In order to do this, we need everyone who attends to be serious about showing up on both days with their camera on.


We want to create a place that is safe where the people attending can be authentic. 


We are not going to ask you to invest any money to attend but in order to attend, you will just need to agree to coming for both days of the training and commit to a short 15 minute follow up call with one of our work from worth team members. This call is to receive your feedback and help you identify your best next step for growth from our trainings, programs, and memberships. 


After scheduling your follow up call below you will be re-directed to a registration page for the event. 



That's it! 


So, if you want to participate in this online event and you are serious about showing up and protecting the integrity of the room, then please choose a time for your 10-15 minute follow up call below!


For Eternity and Until, 

Tori Hein

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